Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a great week!

Oh, Cutie Pie, we had such a great week! You have such a wonderful heart. Everyday you go out with mommy and daddy (sometimes just daddy) and you help us feed the sheep. You love giving them water, when you’re done you almost always look like you gone swimming—fully clothed. You’ll find that your daddy and I don’t mind if you get wet or dirty, you live on a farm—it’s gonna happen. To us the most important thing is that you explore. And you my little Cutie Pie LOVE to explore, in fact you can get a little cranky when mommy wants to hold you outside. So to keep you happy we let you run amuck in the pasture. The other day you walked right up to one of the ewes, jabbering away at her. She was so interested in you that she stayed right where she was, listening to you coo at her. You patted her side and leaned into her side in a kind of hug. And then, my sweet little girl, you planted a kiss right on her face! What a big heart you’re going to have.

We went to your first concert last night! Lonestar. You are a country baby and you love country mucis. When you were a newborn the only thing that save your daddy and me at 3am when you were screaming your little heart out was blasting Jason Aldean from the computer until you fell happily asleep. Every time you hear music you like you shake you little booty and wave your arms. So being the music fan that you are, you LOVED the concert. It was only an hour since it was at a county fair, but that was perfect for you my little wiggle worm. You wore hip little jeans, a dark pink dress, and pink cowgirl boots to match. You looked adorable! You charmed everyone around us with your little “hi”s and waves. You even managed to con the lady behind us out of her French fries. I guess she just couldn’t resist those big blue eyes of yours! You blew her a kiss in thanks. When the concert was over and we were walking out you had people stopping us to say that they saw you in the concert and thought you were so well behaved. Your mommy and daddy are so proud of you.
Oh yeah, we got your hair cut for the very first time this week. You have the cutest little bangs now, you look just like mommy when I was a little girl. You thought sitting in the chair was pretty cool at first. And the black cape they put over you wasn’t so bad, but oh my when they started cutting you hair…. Mommy had to come hold you while they finished. I’m still not sure how that wonderful lady cut your hair straight. We kept your first little lock of beautiful blond hair, along with the cutest pictures.

Thank you for a great week Cutie Pie! I love you so much!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

HOw sweet. Don't you just love how babies respond to music? Thanks for stopping over to my blog.